Jake and Dinos chapman 2012 - 2013
'Heart of Darkness' or 'Come and See' at the Serpentine Gallery till February the 9th
Lurid, morbid, fearful, ghastly. And wonderful. See the four vitrines that comprise 'The Sum of All Evil' by any means necessary. Go with enough time to really look, the detail, strangeness, complexity and scale are quite staggering. For context look at a series of prints by Francisco Goya (1746-1828) ''Fatal consequences of Spain's bloody war with Bonaparte, and other emphatic caprices". A triptych by Heironymous Bosch (c 1450-1516) "The Garden of Earthly Delights". And also "The Inferno' by Herri met de Bles (c 1510-1550). More recently "Danza Macabra Europea" (1915) by Alberto Martini (1876-1954).